Keeping Children Safe in a Troubled World

Workshop Description

This workshop presents proactive strategies adults can use to recognize and respond to abuse (such as bullying, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or physical abuse). Participants will develop a general understanding of child abuse, learn to identify signs and symptoms of abuse and explore ways to prevent trauma. While this workshop is great for any adult engaged in parenting or caring for children, it is especially effective for parents whose children are learning Stand Strong • Stay Safe at school. Download the flyer to share with friends and colleagues.


Parents, guardians, and caregivers of preschool and elementary-age students.


After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define abuse and identify signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Describe warning signs and protective factors for child abuse
  • Discuss strategies to respond to their child if they suspect abuse

This webinar will be presented in English with simultaneous Spanish interpretation.



Descripción del taller

Este webinario presenta estrategias que los adultos pueden utilizar proactivamente para reconocer y responder al abuso tales como: el bullying, el abuso sexual, el abuso emocional o el abuso físico. Los participantes desarrollan un entendido general del abuso de niños, aprenden a identificar los signos y síntomas del abuso y exploran maneras de prevenir el trauma. Descargar el folleto.


Padres, tutores y cuidadores de estudiantes de preescolar y primaria.


60 minutos


Después de asistir a este taller, los participantes podrán:

  • Definir abuso e identificar signos y síntomas de abuso.
  • Describir señales de advertencia y factores protectores del abuso infantil.
  • Discutir estrategias para responder a su hijo si sospecha de abuso.
Emitido en inglés con traducción simultánea al español.

Presented By

Priscilla Bagley