When Children Test your Patience: How to Parent with Empathy

Children need connection and guidance to grow into healthy adults. The presentation will focus on connecting with your children while disciplining. Participants will learn different methods that can be used to help guide children toward wise choices, while keeping the dignity of the child intact.

When Life Gets Hard: Parenting Through Trauma


What are Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and how does trauma impact the developing child? How does trauma “show up” in a child’s behavior? And what works to help children who have experienced grief and adversity? In this interactive webinar, you will learn about trauma’s effect on development and behavior and 5 strategies parents can use to help their child heal from traumatic experiences.

Feeling Stressed: Learn Mindfulness Parenting

Mindful Parenting

Mindfulness helps you to pay attention to the here and now with kindness, openness, and curiosity. Parents will learn to let go of their distracted thinking and refocus their attention on the present in a nonjudgmental way.

You’ve Got This: Parenting and Young Children’s Mental Health

Parenting and Children's Mental Health

What is typical childhood behavior and when should I be worried? And if my child does begin to experience a mental health issue, what do I do? In this interactive webinar, participants learn about signs and symptoms of mental health concerns in young children and 3 strategies for helping children who may be developing mental health issues.

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