Educator Newsletter: Holiday 2024

Happy Holidays!

At ChildBuilders, we wish you a restful holiday break after a successful Fall semester. This brief newsletter contains a few reminders to get your Spring Semester off to a great start when you return to campus in 2025.

Website Maintenance

Please note that over the holiday break, ChildBuilders will undergo maintenance on our website that will result in downtime. If you receive a downtime alert while trying to access a resources, please try again later. If something is not working persistently, please use the “Support” link in the footer to submit an alert to our IT team.

Curricum Updates

Stand Strong • Stay Safe – Early Childhood

Stand Strong • Stay Safe – Elementary

  • Our team is actively revising this curriculum. While the full revisions won’t be available until next summer, some critical updates are being rolled out as we go – especially when these updates address concerns that you have brought to our attention.
  • Parent Letters (PDF and WORD) were updated to offer clearer language for districts where the parent opt-in requirement is only for abuse-specific lessons. As always, edit these templates to suit your needs.
  • Updates to the following Lower Elementary resources were made to streamline teaching and facilitate compliance with parental opt-in requirements. You will need to be logged into your account to view these resources.
  •  There have been some housekeeping changes to how the materials are arranged on the curriculum pages. Please reach out to us if you can’t find something you are looking for.

Mid-Year Data Collection

If you have used ChildBuilders programs this year or are planning to, we would love to hear how it’s going! Are you seeing success with your programs? Have you faced roadblocks we can help with? Please complete the following forms as they pertain to you to give us an update on how your year with ChildBuilders programs is going.

Upcoming Webinars

Mark your calendars! Our Spring Webinar Calendar is now available to download and share with your school community. Please share with colleagues and families!
Please note that our Educator Webinars and Professional Development opportunities will be made by booking only. Check out our catalog and contact us to make a request.

Webinars for Parents/Caregivers

Using Empathy in Discipline

Using Empathy in Discipline

February 26, 2025    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
No Cost
Parenting is about the day-to-day interactions we have with our children that build trust and love. This presentation will focus on connecting with your children while disciplining. Learn to set boundaries and hold children accountable.
Feeling Stressed? Learn Mindful Parenting

Feeling Stressed? Learn Mindful Parenting

Find a new way to respond to the stress of parenting, calm your mind, and be kinder to yourself and your kids. With Spanish interpretation.
You've Got This: Parenting And Children's Mental Health

You've Got This: Parenting And Children's Mental Health

Learn about signs & symptoms of mental health concerns in young children and 3 strategies for helping children. With Spanish interpretation.
Keeping Children Safe in a Troubled World

Keeping Children Safe in a Troubled World

Learn to identify signs and symptoms of abuse and explore ways to keep children safe from abuse & trauma.
When Life Gets Hard: Parenting Through Trauma

When Life Gets Hard: Parenting Through Trauma

Learn about trauma’s effect on development and behavior and come away with 5 strategies to help children heal. With Spanish interpretation.

New in 2025

Building Pathways to Healthy Minds: ChildBuilders' Podcast

First Episode Drop: January 24th

Questions or Concerns?

Thank you for using our new website. If you have a question or need help accessing information or materials, please get in touch.